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Hall School

a specialist college

for communication and interaction

Online Safety For Parents

Children use the internet to learn, to play games and to socialise with their peers.

Alongside the benefits to children and young people, there are also a number of risks. With access to technology comes the potential for cyberbullying, online grooming and risk of exposure to inappropriate content. This is a risk for all children and young people using the internet, but the risk can be more profound for young people with complex needs as a result of increased vulnerability, tendencies towards obsessive compulsive behaviour and social naivety. One example of this is that pupils with complex needs are 16% more likely to be persistently cyberbullied over a prolonged period of time.

Below are some useful documents and links to help you make good choices where online safety is concerned.

Online Safety Guide for Parents

Conversation Starters

Online Safety Checklist

UK Safer Internet - Advice for Parents


NSPCC Share Aware

Internet Matters

 Help & advice | Childnet

Online safety teaching resources | Internet Matters


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