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Hall School

a specialist college

for communication and interaction

Shortbreaks with Norfolk County Council

What are Shortbreaks?

 Short Breaks are activities for children and young people aged 5-17 with disabilities. 

Short Breaks come in a range of shapes and sizes. They can be activities that are available to everyone or activities with trained staff and specialist equipment. They can take place in the family home, at a centre or in the community. Short Breaks take place outside of school hours during evenings, weekends and school holidays.

What type of activity you might be able to get will depend on your child's and family's needs and preferences.

A Short Break should be a positive experience for everyone. It gives children and young people the chance to spend time away from their parents/carers, letting them take part in new activities, make friends, learn new skills, become more independent and have fun. At the same time, parents/carers can have a break.

You may also be offered direct payments which give more options for using your Short Breaks funding.

Who can get a Shortbreaks? 

 We offer Short Breaks to children and young people who:

  • live in Norfolk
  • are aged 5-17
  • have "a physical or mental impairment that is substantial and has a long-term negative effect on their ability to do normal daily tasks" - this is from the Equality Act 2010

If you are not sure if this applies to your child, you can contact the Short Breaks team to ask for support.

What are Direct Payments?

 A direct payment is an amount of money that you can use to pay for what has been agreed in your child's Short Breaks plan such as:

How to apply for Shortbreaks?

Follow the button below to apply for Shortbreaks.

Apply for a Shortbreak 

Contact Shortbreaks 

 Email: cs.shortbreaks@norfolk.gov.uk

Telephone: 01603 692455

Contact us if you have any questions about Short Breaks, to find out if it's right for you and your family or if you need help to apply.



Take a look at Shortbreaks Statement of 2022-2023. Its a good document to get an overview of what is available! 

Shortbreaks Statement of 2022-2023 - Latest Version Checked March 2022

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