Post 16/Sixth Form Curriculum Offer
The dynamic curriculum programme planned is for learners aged 16 to 19. It lasts from one to three years, dependent on the student's needs and abilities.
This creative curriculum offer was redesigned in 2015 to meet the unique needs of our wonderful students, who have so many strengths and an enthusiasm to develop their independence skills. Essentially the curriculum covers a huge range of skill based learning opportunities, all which build on the individual strengths of each student.
Students and their parents or carers are able to choose a learning pathway which best suits their interests and aspirations. The curriculum offer includes essential skill based areas like, enterprise, computing, personal social development, sports and leisure, horticulture and shopping. We even plan an exciting residential learning opportunity, which provides many students with their first experience of life beyond their home.
Throughout the course students will achieve success and gain fully accredited qualifications from ASDAN which are either Towards Independence or Life Skills Challenge.
In addition, each student's transition pathway will be mapped and fully supported by the school, with college visits secured as part of the curriculum offer.
Curriculum Map
Work Experience
At Hall school we encourage our sixth form students to strive and achieve. Working with students to discover their potential for employment through PSHE lessons and work experience.
For some of our students this will mean sensory experiences in school and close work with college and/or social care providers to ensure a carefully planned and implemented transition to their next placement.
For others this might be include helping them understand what they enjoy doing before looking at potential placements to access new experiences and avenues to develop skills. For example supporting students on a one-to-one basis to work in a charity shop or a riding stables.
Work experience usually takes place one day a week over a half term. If possible students will catch a public bus or walk to the placement with a member of staff. Each week they will complete a worksheet asking them how they got on and issuing a challenge to complete during the session. At the end the employers are asked to provide feedback and give their opinion on the potential the student shows for future volunteering or paid employment.
ASDAN Personal Progress
ASDAN's Personal Progress (PP) qualifications form part of our Sixth form curriculum at Hall. It has been designed to address the needs of learners with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), working at Entry 1. We believe that learners should have the opportunity to discover, develop and make use of their abilities to affirm their identities, contribute to society, and challenge educational and social inequalities. ASDAN courses are designed to develop skills for learning, work and life, with practical and accessible pedagogy. They help young learners discover their passion and purpose as they move forward into further education, work or training. These accredited qualifications ensure that all learners are given the same opportunities to access appropriate and relevant education to develop new skills and improve their life outcomes. With an aim to engage learners through relevant and motivating courses ASDAN programmes provide an accessible and practical pedagogy which helps to foster the personal, social and work-related abilities of our learners with their diverse needs.
At Hall school we work closely with local education and social care providers to ensure all students have a supported transition. For students leaving us this means they will be given opportunities to visit establishments and staff will be invited in to get to know students in a familiar environment as well as talking to the staff that currently support them. The communication team will work with students to develop a communication profile and this can provide additional personalised information on how to support each individual student.
For new students coming into the school we want you to feel warmly welcomed to our Hall school family. Usually someone from school will visit them in their current placement and they will have an opportunity to meet their teachers and support staff along with their peers on a transition day in the summer term. Additional visits and support materials can be arranged, based on the individual need of a student.
If you have any more questions around our Sixth Form and or Carers please contact:
Transition Co-ordinator/Careers Lead Linda Plummer
Tel: 01603 466467 (School Office)